Green Building is the new sensible way to go

Part 1

Green Buildings are a vast topic to go into and it is for a reason. The stigma of building this way is that it can become a little expensive and create a dogma around the house socially. However, these buildings are todays answer to Energy crisis and Climate change. The government of India is actively promoting these buildings and in the near 100 to 200 years, they will be the future of construction practices.

What are Green Buildings

Green Building techniques are a way to construct buildings such that the net energy consumption is reduced. The net energy includes electricity, pollution created by the building, water consumption, the pollution and energy for transportation of materials, soil impact etc. Solar energy, passive cooling techniques, daylight usage, energy efficient electrical appliances, controlling soil erosion, rainwater harvesting, water reusage, planting trees are a few techniques to do so.

What does the government do to encourage green buildings

The government of India started promoting Green Buildings by making it compulsory for all Government Buildings of India to be green buildings. They also started the government body GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment). Various state governments also provide benefits and incentives to people building green. Here are a few incentives:
  • Tax benefits
  • Low interest rates from IREDA
  • Fast track approvals.
On the state level, here are a few incentives provided by the government:
  • Additional FAR as per government
  • The government of AP provides 25% of the project construction cost for certified green buildings.
  • The government of Gujarat provides an incentive of 10 Lakhs
  • Tamil Nadu provides 25% subsidy up to Rs. 1 Cr for setting up environmental protection infrastructure.

What body certifies green buildings

The international council for green buildings is WGBC (World Green Building Council). The Indian council for green buildings is IGBC (Indian Green Building Council).

The rating system for green buildings are:

  • Certified
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
Here is a link to the website of IGBC rating system to find more: Indian Green building council (

There are other bodies such as LEED, GRIHA who also provide certification. 

In the next part, I will discuss a few more details on the certification system.


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