
Showing posts from October 1, 2023

Should you cut down trees in your building premises?

Is it illegal and punishable to cut down a tree in your plot to carry out construction?  YES, it is illegal to cut down a tree and the penalty for it is Rs. 10,000 or a 3-months imprisonment period per tree with a few exceptions like dead tree, small tree, tree rot etc. Also, to answer the next logical thought, is it worth the penalty amount to get more unobstructed space for construction? One must realize the many negatives and positives of cutting down a tree to answer this question. The negatives of cutting down a tree To begin with, you are disturbing the microclimate. The climate about 100 m from the site is considered the microclimate. Chopping down a tree means you are removing an air purifier for humans, removing the shade a tree provides in that spot, misbalancing the temperature of the microclimate and if done on a large scale like all property growth area, it will have a drastic impact on the city. Removing the tree roots is a very expensive process and causes soil loose...