Know your bricks and when to use them.
Hi guys, this week I will tell you about the various types of brick and when to use them. If you are looking to build a house and require assistance, then this blog will help you. The type of brick used is not important yet, using the right type will make a world of a difference to your residence. There are various factors like cost of the construction, purpose of the brick, strength and compactness of the brick required and so on. First, lets look at the good old clay brick. a. Clay brick The different grades of brick available are first class, second class and third-class bricks. The strength of these grades is in descending order and second-class bricks are mostly used in construction today. Here is how a second-class brick looks along with the masonry . Next is the third-class brick . A third-class brick is not recommended for construction and is rather used for temporary sheds and non-load bearing independent rooms. Here is an image of the th...