
Showing posts from October 16, 2023

What is this stigma about feeling naturally relaxed at your house?

Take this scenario: You get all ready and you want to go to your friends or an acquaintance house. You are all excited and pumped to have a good time and make start making bits and scenarios in your head. Eventually you arrive and find that the friend lives in a modern eco-friendly, climate responsive house like the one below. Suddenly, the whole vibe changes and you are not that excited anymore. Infact even worse you start getting bad vibes into your head. You might feel was this trip worth it anymore.   In all honesty, new things always require adjustment. Infact in a funny way; if one feels discomfort, it is probably because it is right, and the body needs time to adjust. So, if you feel uneasy at first; relax and allow time to adjust. You might actually like it more than you expected.  Now, coming to the issue of building your own house; considerations to what makes one comfortable is of the utmost importance. While the taste and choices will be different from person to pe...