
Green Building is the new sensible way to go

Part 1 Green Buildings are a vast topic to go into and it is for a reason. The stigma of building this way is that it can become a little expensive and create a dogma around the house socially. However, these buildings are todays answer to Energy crisis and Climate change. The government of India is actively promoting these buildings and in the near 100 to 200 years, they will be the future of construction practices. What are Green Buildings Green Building techniques are a way to construct buildings such that the net energy consumption is reduced. The net energy includes electricity, pollution created by the building, water consumption, the pollution and energy for transportation of materials, soil impact etc. Solar energy, passive cooling techniques, daylight usage, energy efficient electrical appliances, controlling soil erosion, rainwater harvesting, water reusage, planting trees are a few techniques to do so. What does the government do to encourage green buildings The government o...

What is this stigma about feeling naturally relaxed at your house?

Take this scenario: You get all ready and you want to go to your friends or an acquaintance house. You are all excited and pumped to have a good time and make start making bits and scenarios in your head. Eventually you arrive and find that the friend lives in a modern eco-friendly, climate responsive house like the one below. Suddenly, the whole vibe changes and you are not that excited anymore. Infact even worse you start getting bad vibes into your head. You might feel was this trip worth it anymore.   In all honesty, new things always require adjustment. Infact in a funny way; if one feels discomfort, it is probably because it is right, and the body needs time to adjust. So, if you feel uneasy at first; relax and allow time to adjust. You might actually like it more than you expected.  Now, coming to the issue of building your own house; considerations to what makes one comfortable is of the utmost importance. While the taste and choices will be different from person to pe...

Bricks get hot and have silica and aluminium in the clay used.

The major components of brick are  Silica,  Alumina,  Lime,  Iron oxide and  Magnesia. If you observe the composition, all 4 materials are capable of quickly getting hot under the sun and air. Did you know that the clay brick bricks used today were made to trap heat and become hot? Yes, the clay brick used in today's times in India is a European creation that was meant to protect the citizens from the harsh cold outside by trapping heat and retaining it inside the house, it was also created for rapid development as the nations of Europe were warring and they required a material to promote rapid development.  In contrast, India has a totally different climate than Europe and can't use bricks designed for European climate. The initial use of clay brick in India began when India attained Independance. Since we lost all roots to our tradition, the prime minister at that time, Jawaharlal Nehru, introduced the architect Le Corbusier (a French national) to design ...

Should you cut down trees in your building premises?

Is it illegal and punishable to cut down a tree in your plot to carry out construction?  YES, it is illegal to cut down a tree and the penalty for it is Rs. 10,000 or a 3-months imprisonment period per tree with a few exceptions like dead tree, small tree, tree rot etc. Also, to answer the next logical thought, is it worth the penalty amount to get more unobstructed space for construction? One must realize the many negatives and positives of cutting down a tree to answer this question. The negatives of cutting down a tree To begin with, you are disturbing the microclimate. The climate about 100 m from the site is considered the microclimate. Chopping down a tree means you are removing an air purifier for humans, removing the shade a tree provides in that spot, misbalancing the temperature of the microclimate and if done on a large scale like all property growth area, it will have a drastic impact on the city. Removing the tree roots is a very expensive process and causes soil loose...

Know your bricks and when to use them.

Hi guys, this week I will tell you about the various types of brick and when to use them. If you are looking to build a house and require assistance, then this blog will help you. The type of brick used is not important yet, using the right type will make a world of a difference to your residence. There are various factors like cost of the construction, purpose of the brick, strength and compactness of the brick required and so on. First, lets look at the good old clay brick. a. Clay brick The different grades of brick available are first class, second class and third-class bricks. The strength of these grades is in descending order and second-class bricks are mostly used in construction today. Here is how a second-class brick looks along with the masonry . Next is the third-class brick . A third-class brick is not recommended for construction and is rather used for temporary sheds and non-load bearing independent rooms. Here is an image of the th...

Consider these tips before building your new residence to reduce its energy dependency!

A residence requires energy majorly in the form of electricity and fuel for its day-to-day operations. It is a quintessential part of the modern-day living experience. The focus of comfortable living has shifted from architecture and life principles to adjusting to what energy can substitute these with. For example, let us look at the major areas where energy is required in a modern-day  house: Provide artificial lighting and decorative lighting through tube lights, spotlights, rope lights and pendant lights. Increasing the comfort levels of the house through air-conditioning, fans, room heaters etc. Supporting in-house entertainment like T.V., Computers and mobile devices.  Use water pumps to propel water to achieve 24x7 water supply in the residence. This means that natural sunlight which is good for the eyes as well as the body is replaced with artificial lights and closed rooms. A breezy area of the house is blocked by walls just because it was not anticipated earlier...